June 2024 - Pearl and Emporium

Pearl and Emporium

by Rose Gan


Review by Kay Hashim

8 members of Book Group 1 met on June 21st at Jay’s home to discuss Rose Gan’s - Pearl and Emporium; Book 2 & 3 respectively of the Penang Chronicles, with Kay leading the discussion! 


We were privileged to have Rose join us for the discussion. There were many questions on the 2 books and the various characters, with Soliman being a firm favourite, even of the author.


I read and reviewed both books with great interest and pleasure, even emotion.  I recommend this series of 3 novels, starting with the first, Dragon, ending for now with Emporium, while awaiting for the fourth - Legacy -  to be about the children of Captain Francis Light and his wife Martinha, promised by author Rose Gan.  


This series of books falls into the genre of historical fiction, which obviously included tremendous research, combined with a sensitive examination in the creation of the characters about whom little is recorded in history. Martina, Francis’ wife, is one such character that very little is known about. 


The period from the mid 1700's to late 1700's was a very exciting and also pivotal time to the eventual situation we know to be the present in Malaysia today. A key understanding is how Penang developed.


Our discussion revealed differences of feelings and reactions to the many characters developed by the author, some actual persons and a few fictional ones, all blended into a pleasurable reading experience.  


As someone interested in learning more about this region, call it the Straits of Malacca, including the islands of  Andaman & Nicobar and even India, one should read these 3 books, keeping an eye out for the coming sequel. 


We have 2 members unfortunately leaving the group - Kay for personal reasons and Michael as he is leaving Malaysia. You both will be missed!