The Malaysian Culture Group

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Join Us

With close to 200 members, the MCG is an international community engaged in understanding all cultural aspects of our host country. Membership of the MCG makes one eligible to join the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Enak!, Explorers Out and About, and Book group – sources of fun, stimulating discussion and friendship.

The membership fee is RM 125 per person per calendar year. If you join after the 31st August of a specific year, then the membership fee of RM 125 will cover the membership for the current year plus the following year.

If you’d like to join the MCG, or if you’re renewing your membership, please fill out the membership form which can be found at the following link:

Transfer the membership fee via the following bank account:

Malaysian Culture Group
CIMB Bank,
Account no. 8000 909 207

Attach your “proof of payment” to the form and click “submit”

Transfer the membership fee via the following bank account:

Malaysian Culture Group
CIMB Bank,
Account no. 8000 909 207

Attach your “proof of payment” to the form and click “submit”

Members will receive an e-mail membership confirmation from the Membership Secretary.

Membership data is kept confidential and not shared with other members or third parties.

Membership renewals need to be paid before January 1st. Failure to do so, may mean that you do not receive notification of forthcoming events.

For all questions about membership, please contact the membership secretary at