The Malaysian Culture Group

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Nov, 2023 – Guided tour of the Harta Heritage Jewellery Museum

15th November, 2023 Imagine going to a gold shop where you are surrounded with the most inviting display of glittering gold rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants and brooches, all dazzling and sparkling, but nothing is for sale.  On Wednesday, November 15th, MCG organized an outing to Harta Heritage Jewelry Museum, a new gallery featuring Malaysian heritage […]

Nov, 2023 – Kota Raja Mahadi Fort Restoration by Mariana Isa

If you are interested in the history and culture of Malaysia, like me, the lecture presented by Mariana Isa “Kota Raja Mahadi “, which took place on 01.11.2023 hit the target exactly, which aroused a desire to learn more. This young lady is a director heritage lab in a private research organization and has participated […]

Oct, 2023 – Nine Emperor Gods Festival Tour with Sean Liew

Chasing the 9 Emperor Gods     I was excited to join the 9 Emperors God Festival again this year. Naturally, when I saw the invite from Events Planning, Malaysian Cultural Group, I jumped at the opportunity. I vividly remember when I joined the event five years ago. I was heavily pregnant with my first […]

Oct, 2023 – MALAYSIA AT 60, OLD AND NEW POLITICS Lecture by Dr Bridget Welsh

Wednesday 11th October 2023 MALAYSIA AT 60, OLD AND NEW POLITICS Lecture by Dr Bridget Welsh at Badan Warisan Malaysia     We had the rare opportunity of listening to an outstanding talk by Dr Bridget Welsh, the author of books, articles and reports on regional politics. A person standing totally outside the local political arena and yet […]

August, 2023 – IAMM guided tour – Orientalist Paintings: Mirror or Mirage?

Hello Fellow MCG’ers! Today I’ll be talking about the marvellous tour MCG took of the special exhibition called Orientalist Paintings: Mirror or Mirage? at the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia.  There were 20 members and one guest in attendance on Wednesday, August 23rd.  We started our tour at 10:30 am with our special docent Nasir (call […]

May, 2023 – Nusantara, A Sea of Tales

Since the beginning of time humans have used stories to explain things they don’t understand, for example the moon, heaven, natural disasters, etc. They combine impossible actions of mythical creatures with everyday life activities, e.g. Elves making shoes for a shoemaker, Jack climbing a beanstalk to heaven, etc.   But can we consider these fairy […]

March, 2023 – Splitting a Dato from a Datuk

22nd March 2023. Colette Hassan introduced the MCG group to a thorough but complicated subject “What’s in a Name”.  She herself has worked 30 years for the French and Swiss embassies.   Her presentations consisted of three parts, firstly “Names of Civilians and Royalty”. Secondly, “Honorifics” used for Royalty , Governors, MPs, non-MPs and the Judiciary. Thirdly, […]

April, 2023 – Silat Melayu – Lecture and Demonstration

Our speaker, silat exponent, Mohd. Nazrin Wahab, told us that Silat Melayu is sometimes known as ‘a coward’s martial art’, but I think it is ‘a thinking man’s martial art.’  He explained that the ultimate goal of silat is to survive, not crush or destroy an opponent, which justifies the ‘hit and run’ approach.  Hit the attacker quickly or momentarily […]

April, 2023 – Ilham Exhibition Tour – Dream of the Day

MCG ART VISIT – ILHAM GALLERY APRIL 19, 2023 ‘DREAM OF THE DAY’ Curated by Patrick Flores On April 19th, a group of us Art enthusiasts traversed the maze-like parking lot of Menara Ilham to meet at their gift shop, dreaming of a delicious Art filled tour of the exhibition entitled ‘DREAM OF THE DAY’.   […]

Jan, 2023 – Chinese New Year – How it is Celebrated in Malaysia

A Talk by Patricia Yoon Moi Chia at Ciao Ristorante on Wednesday the 18th January, 2023 Chinese New Year has no fixed date; it falls either in January or February each year. This year it fell on the 22nd & 23rd January. The celebrations stretch over 15 days, with special celebrations on the 7th, 9th […]